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Shounen Butterfly*

Arata Megumi 0 released.
Romance / Shoujo
Akai Koi no Territory; Ao no Hitoiro; Ikemen Kanojo; Nostalgic Complex; The Territory of Red Love; 少年バタフライ;
Vol.1 Ch.5.5
135 voted


Plot: 1) Shounen Butterfly
He is nice, yet he is mean. An underclassman, who is quite highhanded. What are Nakazawa-kun's true intentions under his mixed reactions towards Okano.

2) Ikemen Kanojo

3) Nostalgic Complex

4) Ao no Hitoiro
At first, Sakurai thinks Aoi-kun is kinda scary, but when he speaks up against a group of girls that are making fun of Sakurai's inexperience, she slowly grows more fond of him.

5) Akai Koi no Territory
I love cats! But cats seem to hate me... At that time I met a cat-tamer, Kai-kun?!

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.1 Ch.5.5

Jul 3, 2018


Jan 14, 2011


Jan 14, 2011


Jan 14, 2011


Jan 14, 2011


Jan 14, 2011


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