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Starvation And Reincarnation

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Kazuya Ikesaki , Ryuu Asahi 2019 released.
Action / Comedy / Fantasy
餓死転生; 餓死転生 ~奴隷少年は魔物を喰らって覚醒す!
118 voted


A certain young man was reincarnated as a young boy Leirus, as he is destined to defeat the demon king as the hero.... or not. Rather, he is put to work as a slave, waiting for death to take him from this world. Leirus who turned 15 was attacked by a chimera while being transported to a mine, and managed to escape through the confusion. However, without food, he was on the verge of starving to death, when he is suddenly brought back to life by a kind hearted girl Corona, the daughter of a dining hall. Leirus who manages to scrape by becomes an adventurer and finally experiences the kindness of people. However, the place he finds doesn't last for long-
The chimera's shadow once again looms over him. In order to repay everyone who has helped him, Leirus has to stand up against his old foe!

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Vol.1 Ch.1

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