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Xue Lian Manhua

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Yan Xi 2009 released.
Action / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Romance / Shoujo / Supernatural
雪恋; 雪戀; Snow Love
Vol.2 Ch.7 : Seedling
Vol.2 Ch.6
Vol.2 Ch.5 : Lian Sheng
156 voted


Legend has it that on the last day of every year, demons and evil creatures would create havoc. People named this as "Nian". On one snowing day of this day, a pretty young man with long silky hair picked up an abandoned baby and named her as "Xue".
15 years later, Xue has grown up to be a young lady. One day, a young man appeared and told Xue with a gentle voice that could melt the coldest ice, "I've been searching for you.. for so long.."

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Historical version of yourself
i would imagine i am a count's second daughter just living a comfortable life with an offi...
Real, They got them Face paralysis ahh behaviour going on. They either smirk or just "._....
Historical version of yourself
pretty lady with a back story but will she tell you what it is
I fucking hate mls who are nonchalant bitches Like Im sorry does the mc have to go down on...

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