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People are sharing things

I would save a person without getting money (if i was capable) so you bet i will if I get ...
uhhh hello?? free money for 5 seconds of work??? plus a dumbass who I could probably swind...
Saving the guy because A. I love money B. I'm very concerned about the potential forest...
how tf he sent himself on fire ACCIDENTALLY. so no i aint saving him.
10 grand is 10 grand

People are doing

want to do make friend from this site

I thought that most of the people who were writing in these forums were bots or now inactive, it's nice to see this post though.

4 hours
did being really bad at drawing

practice makes perfect as they say. i still want to throw up when i see my old art though

23 hours
did being really bad at drawing

looked at my old art n died last night..learning how to render was a life changing experience

2 days

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