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To be continue... / Back to The Baby Raising a Devil


Other manga by the same author(s)


People are sharing things

real porn or yaoiyuri
Why ve u decided that u r bi? Don't compare bl/gl stories with ur real preferences. Do u ...
Being Pathological liars ?
Lil bro thinks it's a hobby? LMAO that's almost more confusing
Pride month memes.
How can I top my grades when am a bottom vibes
Being Pathological liars ?
bro searching this up would have taken you 2 minutes

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

Started my last year last week. So far so good (I already had five breakdowns)

7 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

A lowkey student who doesn’t do any sports or any other extracurricular…

7 hours
did question

nah idk what everyone else is saying but these were wild times frr....

22 hours

These lists have this manga