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I was caught, actually. Being about 14, 15, I really freaked out. My mom is completely homophobic. Back then I had the 1st or 2nd version of an IPad, and I had to manually delete the history, one by one... Except one day, I forgot. It wasnt a lovely day. Or week. I was confronted about my sexuality (bi/pansexual) and was threatened of being forced ......   2 reply
08 03,2017
I absolutely can't tell my mom until I leave for college, she doesn't even approve of my friends for being part of the LGBT community and to think she will accept me reading Yaoi is a no no no. My sisters know that read Yaoi since they do too but my mom is the only one I can't tell   1 reply
08 03,2017
I can see on the screen of my mom's reaction.... she would cut my connection, internet, my works (i translate manga to turkish)..... I could not live.... And my mom is kinda homophobic so....   1 reply
08 03,2017
Well... the hardest part of my life until now was when i came out as gay, so it's not a big deal for my parents to know I read gay stuff... and I'm 23 yo so... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
08 03,2017
Well, I don't feel like I have to tell them, cause it's my life after all and I read and watch what I want, its like telling your parents that you like watching porn, I don't think thats something you should say, it's something that maybe they imagine but don't need to really know, and if they do catch you... well I think it would be awkward and th......   reply
11 03,2017
In my case, I told my parents and siblings the moment I became obsessed with yaoi, that is, after finishing reading my very first yaoi manga. They already thought that I was crazy, so they knowing that I like smexy time boyxboy didn't actually change a thing. They just listen when I fangirl about it and hand me tissues when my nosebleeds go out of......   1 reply
06 03,2017
My family knows I love yaoi...My mom likes to buy me anything rainbow and say "I got this for you because it reminded me of you" I'm straight by the way. A few years ago she literally called me a 'booty licker liker' and at first I was like 'what' until I understood what she meant. She even calls me a 'gay boy' which I'm a girl. She's likes to play......   2 reply
07 03,2017
I think my brother know it but he didnt tell to me.. i think he checking my history browser that i forget to deleted. It became nightmare to me evernight because i kept dreaming about my brother know it. I like reading yaoi but i dont support homo in real life. Sorry   reply
13 03,2017
Well,only my sibling knows that i read BL and love gay especially my brother.Since he like Yuri ,so we are even now(▰˘◡˘▰). My mom know i like anime so much and even making weird face when she heard i say "Gay Is Awesome" but she never get mad at me.But she never knew i read such erotic one(heheheheheheヾ(☆▽☆) ) I think my dad will ......   reply
09 03,2017
SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH IT'S NOT MY MOTHER TONGUE --> Hey, obviously it would be pretty awkward being caught at a steamy scene! xD But since you consider "coming out" to your parents anyways there could be other methods to show them your passion towards BL - maybe because it's also an important part of your true self which you don't want to hide the ......   1 reply
06 03,2017

first kiss

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