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BBBnuny BBBnuny 2017-01-13 09:13:25 About ship male friends together
I just started it. and I posted a FEW things in it. I just started digital art and I posted like 4 drawing in it and the inking horrible. I thought of posting a story in there too. but I'm too lazy to do that. anyways. do have a blog?. do u love blogging? if u do have one, can u give the link to it? I'd love to see it ~! ^.^
here's mine:


Tilio January 13, 2017 6:48 pm

Your blog and art are great! I'd advise that you change the color of your links though (about, diary, and my art) and blog title as they're to light to read. Also, your blog's title font; the background is already overwhelming, and the thick cursive makes it somewhat gaudy. Not trying to come off overcritical or mean, but if you were expecting or wanting people to enjoy being on your blog I'd figured I'd give you some tips? :)
P.S. Have you tried making this blog on Tumblr? That website is a lot more popular, and it doesn't advertise itself on your blog.