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Album Tag: Seme

32 photo
30 03,2024 created

Here are some pics of some handsome, gorgeous and mouth watering seme
5 photo
25 04,2024 created

i have this niche enjoyment where semes make faces like they're itching to commit a first-degree crime (maybe or maybe not) when looking at their ukes, but are holding it in. i see this all too much and i think its time i created this album
12 photo
02 04,2024 created

A photo collection mostly consisting of semes taking off their shirts
5 photo
24 03,2024 created

just some good panels of my favorite semes because … yeah !! i love my pookies
6 photo
15 03,2024 created

sexy and cute semes
53 photo
30 10,2023 created

Those hot, sexy Zaddies we’ve all come to know and love
78 photo
20 10,2023 created

Seme's saying dumb and hurt things to uke, and usually regret it.
4 photo
31 07,2023 created

3 photo
02 05,2023 created

Tops that are such a fucking simp for their precious wifes
30 photo
24 03,2023 created

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