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My first perfect coloured art UwU
Not my original art
Heyo people I m loves drawing even though j m bad at painting and the drawing I have posted is not my art like have draw it but I have copy it from from Google I hope u understand
13 photos
01 07,2020 created

Night owl's other album


Queen July 11, 2020 9:02 pm

I like it, you should become a manga artist

Lucifer July 2, 2020 5:09 am

Lol it's good. Never knew u were good at this too. Haha

Mahi❤ July 1, 2020 11:10 pm

i honestly love this, im not a pro when it comes to art but just by looking at the picture i can tell you put a lot of effort. if i had to rate it then i would give it a 9/10 thats just my opinion tho but i would have definetly given you 1010 if there was colour so technically it is perfect. its beautiful

nefelibta July 1, 2020 11:05 pm

My ratings for your drawings is gonna be 7/10 since I’m feeling nice-. If you accept constructive criticism then I would tell you to be more confident with your line work, since it looks very sloppy and rushed. Other than that, just keep drawing and always be passionate!

littlebirdy July 1, 2020 10:42 pm

thats it love to see more and abt rating lets go 8 since im feeling stingy lol keep it up