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Art was so convincing it touched my heart...
Don't make that face T__T
The flare!
Love japanese art <3
Heh...nope, believe it or not, this scene is from a shounen-ai genre, lol
That's how you do "hot scenes" in a 'wholesome' way, lol
Uke looks like Tokuchi Toa of "One Outs" the moment I saw this, it was like '5-star at first sight', lol warm...
Boys over flower...petals xD
How dramatic~
Happy new yeaーI mean, congratulations!
So loved~
Uhh... please don't misunderstand! I'm just after the art, okay? The ART!
...I know I sound too defensive xD
Love them raining stars
Just showing off my hot baby without the glasses~
They're like so...thirsty xD
But damn, the art! The ART!
I'd like to give the author an award for being a good director.
I really love this scene~
Aww.. love no longer unrequited T__T
Thanks, fireworks...
Anything that caught my eye
16 photos
02 07,2020 created

redspiderlily's other album

  • That moment...

    The eye-opener, the door to the new world, lololol

    4 photos
  • My kokoro...

    Scenes that really moved me, made me cry, or made me smile stupidly because of the sweetnes.

    21 photos
  • The Seme

    Semes being 'Seme'.
    Well, nothing special here. Just them being cool and cute, I guess.
    ...Oh, and possessive and thirsty, lol

    11 photos