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Vegans(ackshual vegans) are antinatal so I don’t understandddd why this is the premise for them to r
On jah
What the fuck are y’all talking about is she half monkey
I’m thinking abt that chimp that ate this lady’s face
Wat is this about like what
Does he want hooman to evolve I’m liek confoosed
I don’t understand the vegoon villains fixation on an animal bred and forced to live an artificial e
He spittin
Those darn vegoons
Tha vegans realistically would be like wtf that inhuman breeding this creature into existence and fo
Why would u let in that ovo lacto vegetarian babystepper
Vegan mindset is that he’s making less consoomers for animal product
This is comical
I mean has alf done any mass shootings LOL
46 photos
14 12,2020 created

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