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They have so many Doki Doki moments. BUt this one..!!!!!
Why should this be over? T_T So cute!
So proud of this Komano guy! LOL he so funny and so cute!
cute and cool!
Satooooooo!! Kya!! What a bad boy! Jeez!! "I want you in my mouth so badly!" *died of excitement*
Hands down to Akira! He's way too steamy! --smokecomingoutofmyears--
omaaaaaaaaigaaaaaaad! Is this REALLY happening?! Yey!!
too cute! so fluffy!
This is just too... SEXY! OMG!
ughhh! Too cute!! Hiromi is such a sweet and cute kid!
Is love really this absorving? I'm afraid of Love then...
29 photos
12 04,2015 created

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