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Demanding someone to date you, and disregarding another's feelings.. That's unfair. A low blow.
And this is the spiral of gambling addiction leading to domestic violence...
This made me upset and angry. Don't f*ck with someone with body weight/image issues!
For the sake of getting what you want, to control and manipulate.. thats sickening
How dare you talk about someone's dead relatives with a smile? Have you no remorse? X<
Know when yo back off b*tch! If they said no how dare you imprison and try to control them!
How dare you take another one's precious one! Know your place!!
Society has a way of blaming the victim like so... it's pitiful. Damn right stand up for yourself!
Fu*k off you c*nt! How dare you bring up painful memories for such a kind soul?!
Reconciliation sex is cute but "stop saying no" is a major turn off. Consent is key!
GET OFF HIM. He's perfectly happy with his lover don't project your frustrations onto him!!
This is NOT OKAY. If your partner says to "stop" then you have to stop.
And here is a d*ck that manipulated and scarred his younger brother. Know your place!
This is a prime example of gaslighting.
And this unconsensual sex is called RAPE, my friends. Quite often in the olden days
How dare you! Maybe youre just doing your job but dont look down on sex workers!
Shes disgusting. I'm just gonna leave it at that.
39 photos
21 01,2021 created

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