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New drama coming ( ・∇・)
Awww so cute // the timing lololol
(//∇//) I’m happy rn
(//∇//)(//∇//)(//∇//)(//∇//)(//∇//)(//∇//) trying really hard to scream internally
Awwwwwwwwwww really
*gasp* wasn’t expecting that
Noooooo I don’t want this couple( ・∇・)
No way please don’t even think about it lolololololol
Oh baby :(
This means trouble ( ・∇・)
Wowowowowowow so it the boss' brother? *gasp* a triangle coming ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Stop right there you :)
Wowowow he really looks girly :3
81 photos
04 04,2021 created