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I needed an Album to save screenshots I take of the handsome, most delicious looking man ever... Director Kang from On or Off!
20 photos
03 06,2021 created

Hol-Horse's other album

  • Jotaro X Star Platinum

    Don’t even make a face. It’s exactly what you think it is... You read that Album name.

    Yep, Jotaro X his stand. IT’S A THING!!!

    Is this a cursed ship?... Maybe, but is it hot? DEFINITELY!!!

    LOL!... gonna keep this Album public for JOJO fans who are curious.

    30 photos
  • BL covers I find pretty.

    Album name already describes it enough.

    Mostly Viewfinder covers B/C I find that story the most beautiful with covers.

    28 photos
  • Shota stuff.

    The Album name is literally straightforward. I shouldn’t have to explain anything else.

    But if you’re one of those people who is just gonna fuckin’ walk into this Album, KNOWING what it is for & what is gonna be posted in it — JUST to complain..

    That is totally on you. I warned ya fellas beforehand, so GL.

    30 photos