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Ugly McChicken head ass,built like my big toe head ass, stepped on cockroach head ass
Who drew the teeth?
Why his teeth look like that
Who mans is this? Lookin like someone’s creepy uncle.
It looks like he’s biting on his ear
Aww his dad is so adorable
They need to stop bullying him, did your first lover break up with u four years ago? U still single.
This guy needs a chill pill
Why you lie to him hm?
Looks like he saw a ghost lmao
I would be embarrassed if I was him.
“Don’t be pulling up on me like that don’t be pulling up on me like that”<span class="emoji e
This was definitely me like wth did he play my baby like that
I cant anymore this is so true
This so true the same thing happened when it was about the professor
21 photos
10 06,2021 created

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