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Eeewww Fucking ancient freak. Ankle pervert tf
Girls, boys pls see the signs and get a restraining order immediately for the love of life don’t fall for this shit.
Nah I can’t defend bro no more
Ain’t no way the author put a foothub segment in here
Nah cause who let her outta the house.
I don’t like how they making him out to be a villain all of a sudden now but let’s see
So what do y’all think the author was trynna do here do you think they were trying to portray brain rot?
Why do they keep separating from eachother? They got no survival skills whatsoever
Is he a “ride or die” or a “crash out”
“We need to talk about Kevin”
Ok first of all half sibling incest… Second where’s the fairy godmother at cause why they reading their futures rn.
Why would mother betray them I though she was an ally
This is insane you have a mother and brother to worry about and ain’t this dude supposed to be on the look out?sleeping on the job is crazy.
Nah cause why would you say that like I’m the sole reason y’all decided not to hire new graduates tf
I might have to drop this cause why does the mother look like a tween child. the daughter looked older than this
Why is he so loud stuff a sock in your mouth or sum wtf
115 photos
15 01,2022 created

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