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Fuck ya’ll let him go he literally abused him what the fuck do you mean blossomed
Nah I even think he was lenient if you account everything he did to him
whats up with the censorship
I can't forgive you just yet you berated him over and over again you're so lucky to be the ML
Those were probably his powers
can you n o t
just like what my album says, no.
dont let it get to this point...please. Im saying that for another reason ok.
If you look at the full image her body is so disproportional her thighs are so long wtf...
Sure you did
Say all that again but in opposite
Oh god not the red roses
no not really its annoying
yeah no i don't believe you that line has been said far to many times
um. no.
It pains me to know that this idiot is the ML
NianTang NianTang NianTang wooo 666
The contempt I feel for this hoe is immeasurable
23 photos
19 01,2022 created