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This is a fanart of the main character in "eleceed" also known as my first fan art. Year made : 2021
This is one of my artworks and also the first time I added colors, I can clearly see the mistakes I did especially the nose
Year made: 2021
I studied anatomy, it's not that accurate but I tried my best. People also gave me advises to make it better than before year made :2021
Also one of my sketches, there's also a female version of it year made: 2021
Just a sketch, I tried grayscales
Hello these are all my digital artworks,it looks bad and these artworks are old. But I like the thought of sharing what I like to do on my free time. Ease keep in mind I'm not a professional. if u have any good/bad advises I'd love know about it. Thank you
9 photos
19 03,2022 created

Reality B's other album