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Man really said "Ur mine now, here is my last name" 2 secs after meeting <span class="emoji emoji1f602
My dude is litteraly serenading him rn
My dude is explaining in DE-TAIL
He just had the calmest, coolest and most subtle jealous rage ever.He said "fuck patience,u my man"
I can't with him The lil "Oh, Hush" was e-v-e-ry-thing<span class
Lic got my sadistic side excited
I mean, U as the one that ran away from me sadistic over here
U should know punishment is in order
This guy really said marry me on day three
He did nooooottt
My boi smooth with it
And just a 2 chp. ago he said he couldnt i cant! its to cute!
First time reading"Put me inside you" that did something to me
My dude folded faster than spageti in hot water
120 photos
09 05,2022 created

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