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mann okayy they cute too
these songs r good
that's it!! give it to himm
COLDDDDD that was so cool
damn it's the reverse uke tragic storyline but like he's still rich
this dude here has a backstory. props for making side characters actually interesting
mannn so it was you, he probably thought you hated him for it
hot damn that form
finally a parent who does not encourage bad behavior
ahh man he's got it bad
...that's hot
man, that's tough
i'm actually getting jealous like i wish i was as smart and responsible as he is
u are getting sooo annoying
mann stop forking each other every damn chapter and actually get through w the plan:
damn, but they just confessed to each other 10mins ago
i really hope we'll get to see his reaction when he learns the past lover is acc him
86 photos
10 07,2022 created

kooding's other album