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I’d fold. Knees weak arms are heavy moms spaghetti~ I get that now
Jesus fucking Christ everyone in this manga looks hot af with they lil animal traits
Eeeeeeee not you being a slut
I’m so tired of them making red haired guys the bad guy like why can’t they just be sexy hot
To be held in her arms would be my haven closest to the womb
I think I gots a girl crush on black hair
Good shit
Girl be so fr you got him and your right arm man yet you fold for the prince? Make it make sense
Jesus Christ him without glass
I can’t lie I’m rooting for her and her right hand man to get together. Look at them
Nah I’m sorry I’ll fold. I was weak the moment he came through on the bike pls I’m done for here
Broad breasted men with slim waist going toe to toe, how lovely
Red hair, green eyes, and KNEELING ON THE KNEES just how I like em
I don’t understand computers too but look at you in your gardening suit
Awwww ain’t no way Mann. why does he look like that
Why are the red heads always angry or evil
Why they kinda……
50 photos
12 07,2022 created

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