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Aww supportive teachers are the best
I’m glad he truly genuinely had pure intentions of helping him in this moment
Let the people revolt
Pllss that’s so cute but so sad
Oh she wasn’t joking she prophesied it
I hate that they didn’t give this gorgeous brother a face
Aw shit Yaoi gods already got control of the situation it’s too late now soldier
Oof YIKES but you know what I can be you step momma then cause that’s my man
I’ve never felt so seen, I think I’ve found my people
I live for a girl who is psychotic through and thru. A girlie who dies on her own terms type gangsta
This would’ve been cute if he saw her as a daughter but this is gross. This is a disturbing arc.
She is a victim. Ingrid knows ENOUGH about that man. He truly is sick/twisted and we have to accept
Like a victim. Words straight outta the Bible of a girl stuck in an abusive relationship.
I like how the story is getting in-depth with the sick and twisted reality but miss fml is speaking
Nah she did that on purpose
44 photos
31 07,2022 created

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