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bahahaha he just vanished
bro its a german book?!!? Bhaahahahah
shes so relatable
brother what did you do to that delicat flower???? Hes so scared like a littel kitten
brother what! I thought your Shizu was the bad gay but your just stupid. he only knew it was to late
i feeel that beom
im dying what the hell brother
what the fuck this is so random BAHAHAHAHHAHA
Pistol sure. we all know what kind of pistol that is ;)
excuse me!!!!!!!!!!!! HE TOOK YOUR WHAT!
okay i think i found my past self
thanks :( atleast something is good here
why this name! FIRST YVONNE NOW LEONIE. the manger world is fucking me today
bhahahahha wait did they do it too
that soundd like a lie
128 photos
19 08,2022 created