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This impressive female is my favourite character in this entire manga for eternity!!!
This Mad Dog Princess is my favourite character in this entire manga for eternity!!
This heir to this throne for now will for eternity be my favourite character never to change!!!!!!!!
Yes my favourite character you are ^^
This gorgeous red head is my favourite in both forms this game version which she's now stuck and oth
This red haired rencarnated women is my favourite character in this entire manga for eternity!!
Ham Dan-I 14 years-old is my favourite character in this manga for eternity!!
This guy is my favourite character in this entire manga ^^
Li Chang ge is her name and my favourite ^^
My favourite character in this entire manga ^^
This guy is the best by far, then second strongest white haired yellow eyes, then my fav character.
She will forever become more and more powerful, for eternity she will be my favourite in this manga!
She will keep advancing and you won't stop her, my favourite character for eternity!!!
Sure she's getting more gorgeous but she was already cool before she was never ugly..
THe stronger she gets the more beautiful she becomes either way she is my favourite!!
She is so fuckin cool who ever she is in any world she with forever be my favourite for eternity!!
Ruge I love her past life self and this one, she did nothing wrong and will be my favourite forever!
This girl used to be a celestial being and now this form both my favourite in this entire manga!!
34 photos
13 09,2022 created

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