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Yeah fuck you bitch.

Her baby boy is her pride n joy
I'm proud of you for telling him how it is. Now smack him!
Did you think she'd be scared you Lil bitch?

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on
My girl.

I am so proud of you for making the first step. This dumb ass never would have.
We got you baby boy
I pray there are more like you out there. She really needed to hear this
Ready for anything
Yas Queen.

Tell him to fuck off
Yep no.

We got no money
Get wrecked bitches
Fuck you all
Well said
The men of your village are just fucking pathetic losses. They can't handle u
She is a realistic Queen.

You can't handle her boi
Give this bitch a raise and a promotion!
Yes that's right!
That is so aiding
150 photos
17 02,2023 created

Dee Dee's other album