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That. Give it. It’s mine.
Don’t let anyone else see you like this. Understood?
My Mamori. Mine.
I’m not letting you go.
When did you do it before? Who did you do it with?
I’m not letting anyone have you.
What would I do if he did something to you?
So, what were you doing with him?
You were alone with him in that car.
Don’t do that to anyone else, okay?
Can you really say “I’m sorry” properly?
Do you really realize that you did something wrong?
You won’t feel like lying to me ever again, okay?
What should I do to make sure that you only think about me?
Giving false hope to a guy like that, you’re such a bad boy.
I still want to have you all to myself.
what’s mine is mine. end of story.
2889 photos
12 07,2023 created

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