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I want both of them so bade I'm gonna jump
Bro all of u are freaks but at least amano is spittin
He's so cool I'm gonna throw up
just don't SA ppl PROMISE it is not hard
I literally can't stand anyone in this manga
Who gon tell amano
I WANT HIM SO BAD FUCK punching the bed rn
Amano foh that shoulda been my spot
U gmfu if the first top I want is a fuckin tiger bro
I'll smash my head against a wall I'm not kidding
Read this for miyoshi I'm trippin, going thru smut trenches to get a look at this guy fuck
when will I stop liking 30 year olds with birthmarks and glasses it's actually scary
Back up. Back UP
Idk what kind of moment
I be rereading so many works to feel sumn
50 photos
07 09,2023 created

achoo's other album

  • giggled chuckled snorted even

    I wish I cld put all of punch drunk love tbh that shit goofy as hell

    26 photos
  • I'm bawlin rn

    16 photos
  • mentally unwell

    billionth time reading FOS & my unquenchable, insatiable desire for Lee Seonwoo (im not kidding I’ve been think about this man for 4 years straight.)

    6 photos