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Idk bout that brother
How you love me but gonna treat me like that you punk ass bitch
I hate when they say that but this time especially; As if your bussy, gooch and balls weren’t sprawled out on his table and in his hands
You got the whole squad laughing bro
I hate when the author ends the story with the mc dependent on the love interest and insecure
Make it make sense.
This isn’t for the men who quote lyrics straight outta Conan Gray’s song “Heather” this is for the gay men who say shit like, “ No need to be careful with me I’m not a woman”… its giving “I’m not like other girls I’m not small and petite, I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a big strong boy who can take a hit unlike the fragile sensitive women of the world” sir we get it you like dick no need to tell us how you can handle worse than Fifty shades of grey. WE ARE NOW ADDI
8 photos
06 03,2024 created

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