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Heart-string tugging commences: Sorrow, sadness, kindness, personal connections, friendship, love, gentleness, sorrow, humanity, tragedy, saudade, etc.
379 photos
25 08,2015 created

ShonaNingyo's other album

  • Bwahahahehehe

    The funny, silly, stupid, confusing, and the just plain weird moments in manga I've come across.

    Edit 8/14/19: I have over 400 photos in this album and pretty much all of the image links are broken ;;__;; I don't want to re-save ALL of them!!

    441 photos
  • Fashion is Passion, the True Meaning of It

    Clothes and outfits.

    167 photos
  • Anatomy

    The well-drawn examples of the human figure in any pose or form that strikes me as worthy of note.

    149 photos