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Yum! Look at how Tarzan like Yarai is
Yarai is so hot!
OMG such a cute *w* face
Gakuen Babysitters Vol.12 Ch.65 Pg.18
I added color to this manga page from Gakuen Babysitters (Vol.12-Ch.65-Pg.9)
OMG this whole flashback is too adorable!!!
OMG! This part was so amazing!!! TTwTT joyful crying at how considerate this scene was.
So beautiful! Love the art! (esp. the transition of the last two panels)
SQWEEEEE! OMG >///////<
Inui-kun is so cute!
OMG Tonya is so beautiful!!!! I love every frame, but chose this as my fav.
Holy @#4%!
This pose is so sexy
My favorite Manga pages/pictures/scenes
42 photos
22 03,2015 created

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