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so pretty he’s so pretrt
OMGG such a cute sleeping position… mc is a heavy sleeper awww pages after this cute too
(ch5 pg2); ch 5.6 of the manga also so cute (fall asleep on each others’ shoulders)
omg this shit cute as fuck they’re so nonchalant abt him patting his face thinking it’s the alarm clock... (ch5 pg3)
he’s so pretty... oh my god
casually making sure he doesn’t fall over ;(( esp since they just had sex and he’s def sore aw
ahhh they have the perfect size difference
this hug... stoppppp
how is he so cute and small... i’m gonna die
cain comforting him when he’s crying aww
the way he holds him so sturdy... aww
11 photos
04 06,2020 created

lightbulb's other album