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Comments of A Clumsy Cinderella

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2023-12-20 04:11
Cute but boring and felt very rushed from the picture seems like one story but its actually 4
2023-02-10 12:05
4 last read chap
2022-12-12 17:34
cute onseshots!
2022-11-06 07:47
My attention was fully captured by the first short story and the rest… pfffftttt… but still this manga worth the read.
2022-04-18 01:32
cute . wholesome . porn ..?
2021-08-22 21:06
This was actually really cute!! Legit sex scenes and with legit romance! Niceeee
2021-07-05 06:19
I thought these were all amazing stories. The relationships and progresses of each one was beautiful, and each one was filled with life lessons, so that’s a huge plus.
As for the first story, the “loner girl” gets caught by a hair stylist, and changes her life forever. I see a lot of people hate it, but I don’t really see why. I mean yes, there is the fact that people started noticing her because she turned out “pretty”, but in all honestly it’s really about self-confidence and believing in yourself. She didn’t want to talk to people because she thought she was an annoying stuck-up b person, as she was told in the past, so she decided to turn her life dark and not make any friends. If that hairstylist didn’t say anything to her about her beauty, she would’ve been alone forever, not experiencing any true happiness, and most likely getting depression (whoops sorry to turn it deep, but it’s true.) Her life only turned around for the better after the person told her so. So I really, really like it.

Anyway, A++ for me for all the beautiful storylines and developments. 10/10 highly recommended to read.
2021-01-05 00:46
Each couple fell in love bit to me it's so shy but the girls all had a prominent side
2020-04-05 17:10
Hime's a plain girl who's not only single, she doesn't even have any friends. One day, she's approached by a handsome hair stylist, Raito, who says, "I love you. I have fallen in love with you at first sight!" Thinking he's teasing her, she runs away, but he appears again saying, "I want to get to know you better......" Will this "prince" with his sparkling smile and this plain Jane "princess" have a chance at romance......
2020-03-19 15:10
last read ch 4
Name: A Clumsy Cinderella
Status: Completed   
Author: Nami Rinko 2019 released.
Genre(s): Shoujo / One Shot / Romance / Smut
Alternative: 不器用なシンデレラ ~ ;; ; Bukiyou na Cinderella
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