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Comments of Anime Seisaku Kaisya de BL shitemasuga Nanika

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2024-05-19 06:24
Art was good, but the story was pretty boring and lacking for me.
2024-01-15 22:06
Producer and production manager
2023-11-27 19:08
Production manager Ryota is not looking forward to working with the demonically strict producer Tomoya again, not only because he's hard to work with, but also because they had a physical relationship the last time they worked together only for Tomoya to stop contacting him completely once it was over. Ryota is determined to make a great episode and protect his heart this time, but Tomoya is determined to get some action. Also, despite the title mentioning they work in yaoi anime, that never comes up. They're both really interesting characters with a complex and well-developed relationship. Trigger warning: noncon(sleeping).
2023-10-15 01:16
Seme view, liked it quite a lot tho
2023-09-14 10:52
Oddly paced? Or plotted? I’m not really quite sure why stuff happens stuff just happened. I really like this authors art style though it’s very nice.
2023-08-19 16:29
It was super interesting and shmexyyy
2024-02-22 06:43
Nice story too many circles unexpected but good
2022-12-27 11:12
Hmm what an asshole rapist producer, it was weird how they loved each other too lol
2022-12-21 23:46
Preferred sakaki. This one is all over the place.
2022-11-23 18:34
F*ck, it's so smut and so my aesthetic
Name: Anime Seisaku Kaisya de BL shitemasuga Nanika
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Sagamishika 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi
Alternative: So What If I Work on Yaoi Content at an Anime Production Studio?
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