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Comments of Chasing The Wave

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2024-04-26 19:09
this is an adaptation from 82 chapters damnei novel. if i have to be honest, the pacing of this manhua is horrible. its like jumping to one section to another while the previous one unfinished. although i haven't read the novel, i can tell there's alot of details missing in this manhua version. but the art does look nice.
now the pitiful mc, i do feel sympathy for him. all his life its been a streak of bad luck until he met leader. but I'm not happy that he did a rash decision that one time trying to leave the group (aka run away from a literal job that you have sign a contract from, which if you think logically, can actually cause much more problems to everyone and to himself). now, don't be calling me victim blaming and all that. I'm not. even if he's a victim doesn't mean i can't point out something, alright? he's not smart, so i understand. and his mom is in danger at that time. but correct me if I'm wrong, is it the mother who sold him to that one pervert guy? or is it the aunt family? so if its his mom, WHY THE FUCK would i give a single fuck about her after what she's done? now, this is just an assumption, i don't remember who sold him. also, don't get me wrong, i love my parents, they're good people. but if they did something like this to me (sold me to some fucking perv for the intention selling myself) i will not forgive them no matter what.
2024-04-20 22:25

Dont remember
2024-03-29 12:03
2024-03-13 11:23
I already finished this in Lalamanga but this translation is better ofc and this hurts more wth also, I hope, unlike the one on lalamanga, this has a better end, I'm praying, as <spoiler> none of them found out about Ning Lan's struggles in the end that </spoiler>
2024-03-02 16:30
2/2× 030224 idk.. didn't click for me
2024-01-24 10:08
B: 24.01.2024
2024-01-24 07:02
What the hell, why is it tagged as "comedy"??? Where's the comedy? I only see sadness
2024-03-02 12:44
I hope the abuse stops soon. I’m interested in this comic but the abuse is frustrating.
2023-12-29 01:55
you’re reading this then your parents will die in 5 years. To undo this curse you have to paste this comment on 5 more Manga. I’m so sorry please forgive me.
2023-12-02 23:32
Shounen Ai / Comedy / Romance / Webtoons
2023-11-30 06:29
Yet another food lover
2023-07-10 17:43
Haven’t read yet
2023-07-04 15:04
The only thing I can wish for the manga is for longer chapters but I love it so much that I don't want to cause any trouble
2023-06-28 17:16
Name: Chasing The Wave
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Yu Cheng , 长佩文学 0 released.
Genre(s): Shounen Ai / Comedy / Romance / Webtoons
Alternative: 逐浪
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