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Comments of Christmas with a Stranger

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2023-04-13 15:20
What was police doing and not protecting ML when they knew the criminal was after him?
2022-12-14 20:48
A good lesson in why you shouldn't hide the truth from someone you care for. Perhaps it only happens in fiction, but when someone pushes away someone they love "for their own safety" it invariably puts the "protected one" in more danger. It's like the trope in even "serious" crime dramas, where the grizzled veteran cop or intelligence agent breaks basic rule #1 for the sake of the plot, and all hell breaks loose. I find it laughable that the "pro of all pros" who have been walking on the edge of death for years suddenly act like impatient teenagers. Kind of like having to yell out the name of your signature martial arts move in life or death combat. Just dumb.
Name: Christmas with a Stranger
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Catherine Spencer 2019 released.
Genre(s): Adult / Drama / Romance
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