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Comments of Dance Dance Danseur

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2024-02-11 11:06
Right now, this is so annoying. Maybe I’ll finish it. ch. 65
2023-09-09 13:59
Just finished the 1st chapter and it's so good??? This is so amazing and it's so sad how he gave up ballet because everyone around him told him it wasn't manly. Ballet is plenty manly
2023-05-10 10:20
Fin de l’épisode 11 correspond au chapitre 52 (volume 6) ; cependant il y a quelques différences entre le tome 5 et l’anime donc il vaut peut être mieux tout reprendre ??
2023-02-15 12:35
I saw tragedy tag. What happened actually? Is it because of how the other boy (I can't remember the name already) was treated?
2022-12-10 16:01
This might be unprecedented but I really hope the author can save Miyako from carrying such a burden at an adolescent age, how does a child smile like an adult ? It’s too unfair, maybe this is me being biased but when she was with Junpei she looked her age and she looked like she was breathing and genuinely happy, but now it feels like when an adult needs to put on a face to get through work or the day, Miyako gave up her childhood to help him, potential career in ballet at Oikawa and her happiness with Junpei it’s too sad and unfair, I love this story so much it’s unique and it’s told beautifully but i hate the idea of Ruo building his life and career on her sacrifices, how can he carelessly say “go to him” after everything she’s been through to support you, for the fact that after all these years they were together and didn’t date says a lot or maybe I’m just reading too much into it, but agh it’s just so frustrating to see that this was how Jumpei and Miyako concluded thier relationship
2022-09-02 15:24
Omg now that I think about it, his name literally has "jump" in it nothing exaggerated but I kinda dumb sometimes. I felt off saying his name, just how much _____ I need to be.

The anime ends at chapter 51 but... I want to see his longer hair animate I bet it would flow fluffyly

Ahh my bad... It's junpei, not jumpei. Mann I mispronounce you aren't I? Yes you did... That was bad. Bad me.

Lmao let me just;

After a year, or two? They came back!!! Thanks for translating

I forgot they're in Japan lol I was like why would natsuki used Japan tournament as a gate. Lmao they're japanese

Junpei damn chill you scared tf out of me. Pls oh god, I'm so used to his child likeness that when he's all grown up. He's... Who are you? Also I saw the raw. The moment I laid my eyes, I know that's you. What are you doing in a hotel room w a girl? God why am I even asking. Obviously idk japanese but they were confronting each other I guess and what if that girl is naoki(?)

This is a story about a guy's growing up. Coming of age story. He was once a young boy. Currently a teenager and growing into an adult. Idk what kind of adult he would grown to be. I saw raw, chapter which hundred? Man I was shocked. Just pls don't make people preggo and doing crime or I'll kill you

I think I'll drop this. Maybe after he's in his twenties, I'll read it again. It just, I might be a girl but it just so fucking frustrated to see him being like this. Oh god, I love him more when he's a child. I know love is everything but junpei dear listen. You can't force a relationship. And you need to find a friend. A friend to go through everything together. It's hard seeing you like this. You might become a predator in the future. I'm not saying from the ballet perspective but as you as a whole. Pls I know this is coming of age story but oh god, you're troubling me. Bye until next time
2022-07-04 03:08
thank you for translating this. this is one of my favorite manga of all time <3
2022-06-13 16:38
Isn't there 23+ volumes? Why do we only have 60 chapters translated?
Name: Dance Dance Danseur
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Asakura George 2000 released.
Genre(s): Drama / Romance / School Life / Seinen / Slice Of Life / Sports / Tragedy
Alternative: ダンス・ダンス・ダンスール; Danse Danse Danseur;
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