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Comments of Drunk in Love

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2024-06-08 14:47
Rendemption story will wait until complete
2024-06-07 23:15
Waste of time, endlessly self pity (MC)
2024-05-28 08:05
2024-05-17 03:23
At the end of it all, Juhan still got what he wanted, he managed to isolate He Gu from everyone but him. Even the way he “gave up” in the end was still selfish. He wanted someone who would live for him and he got it. I hated reading this but I can’t stop and ended up finishing up lol
2024-04-17 16:18
Just can’t get over the ML’s actions. Wish there was a different end game
2024-03-31 05:01
He raped him twice and also threatened his family and friends. But the art is good.
2024-03-23 19:11
95% Pain
5% fluff
2024-03-17 09:44
just what happened
2024-03-09 19:27
A fever dream
2024-01-22 17:32
Stopped at 96 i can't my head is aching
I know they gonna end up anyway , so seme has long chasing and suffering arc , so it's alright but talking to seme is equal to talking to a wall uke tells him to leave but dude is stubborn , uke edured those 7 years blinded by love pretending not to care whom seme sleep but but he hates it if uke did same , seme parents they need to teach their bratty rich hellua kids like seme about personal space and love seriously tf all these Chinese stories has loads do drama i stayed for drama but when they keep having same convo over and over again going in circle i m like wtf I m looking at some soap opera on the name of yaoi shit I m done with this story I m frustrated my internet is slow pages ain't loading anyway
2024-01-13 04:11
Dropping at 66...I can't take anymore of this insufferable, pos, man child of an ml.
2023-12-22 23:01
Mc can go to kill ml or kill himself bc they totally killed me with high blood pressure
2023-12-12 18:03
Too toxic for me, but still the story line is good, the character development is also well written and art work is soooo goooddd!!!!
2023-12-06 18:17
so this story is 90% toxic. but even in the end after they got their happy ending, all of us readers wont forget seme's wrongdoings. i cant imagine being treated like that. this is severe obsession and its kinda fun reading the chasing arc tho i feel frustrated too. but yeah, at the end i wasn't happy at all. i want more of his rehab story so i could be satisfied hahahahha
2023-12-05 20:27
I've read most of it. I don't know if I can read the rest
2023-11-30 10:18
I tried really hard to enjoy this story, but the male lead was just so fucking hard to like. He didn’t even properly apologize and just whined the entire time to the MC how he should just accept him despite the fact this man has literally blackmailed, kidnapped, assaulted, and abused him on various occasions for seven years. This is literally a domestic abuse situation and it was so disgusting to watch him agonize for only a couple of months when the MC struggled for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS. I’m just so done with this. The art was great and I enjoyed the MC, but the best ending would be them realizing they’re toxic for each other. They can’t even explain why they love each and just keep saying how they’ve known each other for so long. This comic was BLEH!!
2023-11-05 21:30
showbiz, uke's onesided love (then seme regret) 56<
2023-10-30 01:22
When he punched that rude ml I wasss sooo happy
Name: Drunk in Love
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: 水千丞 , 流浪草工作室 , Shui Qian Cheng / Zuo Da 2000 released.
Genre(s): Webtoons / Romance / Shounen Ai
Alternative: Drunk in Love / Yi Zui Jingian / 네게 취한 날들 / 一醉經年 / 一醉经年; Intoxicated Love
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