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2022-12-15 20:02
Dude was a complete moron and stuck up jerk. He "cared so much for his brother" that he never noticed that bro was living in a mansion with his lover for some years. He takes everything on the surface for gospel and never looks beneath or bothers to use his critical faculties (if he has any) to bear on the problems. AND... what in the hell is with these flaming, brain-damaged Harlequin MLs who can take a girl's virginity and yet still be absolutely convinced that she's a promiscuous slut. That's not just stupid, it's on par with fundamentalist "religious leaders" who publicly proclaim that immodest women are the cause of earthquakes. I mean, Holy Cow, if you're going to have fantasies, at least dream of elves and fairies instead of something that stupid and banal! Perhaps if the FL had slapped the snot out of him a few more times, it might have cleared his head a bit.
2022-09-20 05:13
A HIGH MAINTENANCE n childish FEMALE...hated her character...who argues when its about ur baby health...thts our fl...idiot
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Carol Marinelli 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei / Adult / Drama / Romance
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