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Comments of How to legally get it on with a High School Girl

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2022-05-26 06:01
This was really cute but god that title is so misleading bro I almost called the cops on myself for looking at it
2021-09-07 17:15
The title was misleading... I thought it was gonna be about some old dude... but it's not and it was good
2021-09-05 19:34
it was funny. and it's good that he made an effort for himself despite his questionable motives hahahaha his bestfriend is def best wingman with best advice for a healthy relationship. like wow
2021-09-03 07:58
kinda good despite of its hilarious title ,, im glad they decided to do it after graduation though
2021-09-03 07:55
AHAHAHAHA lmao this is so funny
2021-09-03 07:45
Bro his friend the ultimate wingman like damn
2021-09-03 07:45
the title sounds sus so i was expecting sth illegal but turns out its a dumb boyfriend who gets dumb love advice from a dumb bestfriend whos also the best wingman lmaoooo
Name: How to legally get it on with a High School Girl
Status: Completed   
Author: @omi_103 2019 released.
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance
Alternative: JKと合法的にHなことをする方法
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