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Comments of Igyou Atama-san to Ningen-chan

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2024-05-28 01:18
ch 21??? stoppp nooo I have no such kink
also simp ml respecting consent
2024-05-26 22:13
Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the fluff >u<
2024-05-26 06:26
Chika is an ordinary woman who lived a life of constant abuse by her parents until she nearly died and was transported to the world of heteromorphic heads! (Meaning heads all have different shapes.) She was found by professionals trained to take care of such displaced humans and ended up living with Raz, a man with the head of a daft punk member if their head was all black and they had a venom smile for a mouth. Even though humans are treated as "pets" in this world, the scary-looking Raz has fallen head over heels for his Chika and she loves him too, though she can't express it as trauma has left her unable to speak. With the help of Raz and his friends, Chika slowly begins to heal from her trauma and bridge the gap between her and Raz so they can truly be in love. A very bizarre setup, but it's fun world building. The story does feel a bit rushed though.
Trigger warnings: abuse, attempted suicide, violence.
2024-06-01 16:22
In the world of abberant heads where you can't tell what everyone's emotions are: The scariest is the cutest.
2024-05-26 03:20
Haven't read but plan to
2024-05-25 07:43
Chap 20 mais mélange
2024-05-24 03:44
This is such a gem! So wholesome and interesting!
Name: Igyou Atama-san to Ningen-chan
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Mike Tama 0 released.
Genre(s): Romance / Mature
Alternative: 異形頭さんとニンゲンちゃん; Heteromorphic Head-san and Human-chan
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