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Comments of Kitanai Kimi ga ichiban kawaii

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2024-06-13 00:56
read it for shock value i guess? it's defo sumn new though it's hard as shit to find what to like about it since they're horny middle schoolers which is already weird on its own
2024-06-10 01:41
Toxic Yuri my beloved
2024-06-01 06:19
Plz give this manga a chance it looks like weird hentai at first but it gets rlly good trust!
2024-05-18 23:51
i was looking for some psychological yuri that had no weird sexual relationships and after giving up on trying to find those i gave in to the recommendations and encountered this. i saw the first few chapters and though that it was gross but i binged it and honestly, this would've been a good psychological story if it wasn't as sexualized as it is. this was definitely written more for people who have weird fetishes (especially because of the way that they're depicted while they're in highschool?) but besides that, both of the main characters personalities are sorta interesting and the ending is really sad but i just wish we got more closure for the characters
2024-05-18 02:01
I love messed up stories but theyre fuvking miserable

I wish they couldve had a normal relationship
2024-05-16 22:32
Good in a phsycological way, the things that happen in this aren't good though
2024-05-05 18:51
It was a trip wow… I wouldn’t call it a GL… a yuri maybe, unfortunately I can relate to the obsession Airi felt and even the obsession Hina felt… This was an interest psychological read though. People are scary… well, this story started off as Airi trying to have a good reputation, making a friend and one day developing a kink and her friend Hina not particularly minding participating. Hina and Airi get caught (because this all took place in a school). Airi spirals and Hinas obsession increases tenfold. It gets to the point where Hina rapes Airi… Hina does whatever she wants to Airi and Airi is fine with it… Airi feels very isolated, depressed and a large amount of anxiety… and in the end they both die.
2024-04-14 02:24
More horror… and a dash of romance. tw- throw up, force feeding… and just anything you can imagine
2024-03-24 08:25
people are overreacting over this manga, but I don't blame them. it's pretty hard to really get through it but it's worth it
2024-03-15 05:13
2024-03-09 18:38
2024-03-03 14:38
This is actually such a banger??? hello???? they’re literally made for eachother, abusing eachother and none else holy shit. This is so deranged its making me crazy, its so good. 11/10 would reread again
2024-02-08 14:55
First time reading a psychological genre of yuri. My thoughts were, it's not really disturbing for me and it's a pity what happened to Ai. I really hate those two best friends of Ai and I really really hate that glasses girl who leaked the photo just for her own pleasure, hope karma hits them really bad. For the ending, I think there's other way to end it all because they went through a lot but killed like that?! I thought they would give up on suicide but I guess it wasn't easy to find other way to end the story. Regardless, I really like the part where Hina choked Ai to death because it symbolizes that Hina really protected Ai from all the pain, the trauma, and her sufferings. I also love the fact that they died together, but still, imo that there's still a better ending like Ai overcoming her fears and Hina doing her best to provide their need by doing lots of job then living far away where no one knows them.
2024-03-25 21:48
the tags are scaring mmee, I got to page 6 of chap 5 out of curiosity... I cannot go any further, I am afraid. the character designs are really cute though
2024-01-16 14:14
this is what a homoerotic, overly codependent relationship does to people. stay safe lads
2024-01-02 18:02
SO FUCKING GOOD. CHANGED MY LIFE. And now I like kinky stuff like that.
2024-01-18 17:48
7/10.. I can explain...
2023-12-23 19:44
Horrid, toxic, just perfect.
Name: Kitanai Kimi ga ichiban kawaii
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Manio 2019 released.
Genre(s): Yuri / Psychological / Romance / School Life
Alternative: You are the most cutest; きたない君がいちばんかわいい
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