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Comments of Leisurely Pace Webtoon

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2020-11-27 07:52
Its good but I have alot of questions like where did violet go? why did violet disappear when ivy appeared? is violet ivy?
2019-10-25 15:58
This could have had potential but man thats wasted.
Okay so :All 4 brother have sister complex that sister left home because something (??) MC is an orphan that was adopted by the family and got there when sis left so 4 dude are pissed because 'its her fault'
(? Really maybe she had enough of you guys you are basically a nightmare guven the fact that thought of you as family and nothing more id high tail out of there too)
So they hate her untill she does something that slightly alines with their interests 
( i call BULLSHIT on that like the dude that spends all his time taking care of the garden dosent know which of the plant are edible??)
Aside rom that the MC is dumber than she looks good lord holy hell. Can one individual really be so starved for intimacy and family that they'd actually WANT to have those 4 dudes as family?? 

Also way would the sister tell the MC to find those 4 dude girlfriends ?? 
Can't she do that herself ? Or higher someone whou would be compensated with mkne for handling thise weirdos?? 
And why would she fuck off and not tell anyone where to??? Also how would the MC even do said matchmaking?
She obviously never leaves the estate or know anyone her own age aside from those 4 freaks
(she said that herself that her orphanage didn't have any kids her age)
Which is fucking weird on its own like why wasnt she already given into foster care ? If the orphanage wasnt /isnt used to taking care of older kids /teens ? Aside from that what kind of family is that?? 
Where are the parents? 
I mean obviously they arent there to stop thise fuck tarts from acring up. They are only mentoned once when the MC explains that none of them is actually related to the other and the big sister 
(is that meant to make it better? It does NOT!!)
Which leads me to another question: what the fuck is wrong with those parents?
I mean its nice that they adopt orphans but as far as i see it they just get them put them in the mansion and leave the rest to the servants. And id like to say rather dark suspicion of mine : were there only adopted as play buddies for the big sister??
I mean adopting 4 boys in one go all with the same age is rather suspicious for me, its as if the big sister said 'i want a younger brother' and her parents went 'sure ehy not but pregnancy is annoying we will just pick one up okay?' And thdn they went to the orphanage and couldn't decide / thought 1 alone would get lonely 
(like with dogs when people get 2 from the same litter because they have to work and dont want the dog to be alone at home for long)
So they just got 4 (couldn't decide between two and each one got a 'support buddy '?) And so big sister played big sister and then decided that now she wants to..i dont know ... have some fun seeing her brother in love and be the supportive advice giving big sister but dosent to the work of matchmaking them so her parents just adopted another girl around their age that would do just that for her and with thise instructions she left and is planning on coming back when all is done and the enjoy the show +catching up with their love lives/rumours 

I dont know maybe im reading to much in this shitty one shot but still 
(My take would actually why better of a story i mean if only for those 4 idiots too utterly despair over the fact that all thise years it was just fun and games for the sister she played the big sister for her they were only ever toys that could actually give them some real depths depending how they'd handel that lol + i wanna see thise smug bastards cry lol)
Name: Leisurely Pace Webtoon
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Zw_art 2019 released.
Genre(s): Comedy / One Shot / Romance / Webtoons
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