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Comments of Lily Amongst the Thorns

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2020-02-14 01:39
Grace wants to become a doctor but her role in society as a woman says otherwise. Arranged to be married to the general of the military, it seems Grace may just have to give up her dreams of medicine and instead settle being a wife and mother. But one day, people began to notice that all the rats were dying. Soon the people began to die also, sending all communities into chaos as people flee for their life. Grace however, chooses to stay and joins a team of plague doctors...
2019-07-30 10:56
She wants to become but it's difficult, sexist society, they think only men can do it and she's just supposed to marry
2019-03-21 21:39
need more for a rating
Name: Lily Amongst the Thorns
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Zushi 2000 released.
Genre(s): Drama
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