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Comments of Love Cycling

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2024-05-12 04:14
short but cute
2024-04-27 10:32
Plot and sex scenes were good.
2024-04-27 02:43
Pretty good I think very short
2024-04-21 04:30
Where is the restttt????
2024-05-05 12:36
Weirddd and like very fast paced
2024-03-08 07:23
This is soooo NOT complete.
2024-03-01 16:56
2024-03-01 04:03
It feels incomplete
2024-02-26 10:33
It's not bad by any means, it just suffers the same thing that most stories that are this short do—it's too short to really be notably good. Four chapters aren't enough. It's good in concept and for what it is, but it could have been so much better if it just had a bit more room to breathe and develop the story.

The base premise of this story is pretty good; Dennis is a swindler, getting close to rich men to leech off of them. After blowing away the money his then-boyfriend gave him on gambling, he gets kicked out and is made to go back to his pit-pocketing ways. While out, he steals a man's bag that ends up being full of sex toys—coincidentally, a man by the name of Yoonhwan ends up recognizing the bag. It turns out the bag was originally being used as an identifier for sex partners, and Yoonhwan was in the area because he and the man who the bag belonged to were going to have a one-night stand. Dennis ends up going along with it, realizing he can exploit the situation and from there the story unfolds.

I have two main issues; at the end of chapter two, after Dennis and Yoonhwan had fucked, Yoonhwan gets a phone call from the man he was meant to meet, apologizing for not being able to show up for their meeting. Yoonhwan is a bit surprised but has a very reserved reaction, he's not outwardly shocked . . . He's more so just made curious about who Dennis really is, and so he decides to go along with what Dennis is doing. Which I liked. I liked it a lot, actually. It was like 4D chess, I always love a bit of mind games. But then in the next chapter, he just casually reveals that he knew what Dennis was up to, and that's that. It set up a really interesting dynamic and then almost immediately put a pin in it.

The second issue I have is the ending; it's just too abrupt. The ending left on a kind of ambiguous note, with Dennis saying he has a bad feeling about it . . . Which like, yeah, it's pretty strange how okay Yoonhwan is with the situation. The ending is explicitly calling that out. But, like . . . It's the ending. That just shouldn't be the ending. It left me wanting so much more, and not in the "This was so good, I want more" way, but rather, ". . . That's it?" kind of way. It hinted at what could have been a really good story with a really unique, interesting dynamic, but it just literally can't do anything with it because it's too short to. You can't do anything with four chapters. So it left me feeling really underwhelmed.

I did really like the dynamic we had in the story, though. It could have been better but for what it's worth, it's still good. It's very sexually charged. Yoonhwan ends up keeping Dennis around because he has this morbid curiosity about who Dennis really is, but also because he's a masochist and Dennis isn't afraid of spanking him and getting rough. I fuck with that. It's hot.

Also, great art. It's really good.
2024-02-09 03:19
Could've had MORE. It had the potential & everything T-T)
2024-02-07 02:55
Now I'm intrigued. So what will happen next?!
2024-02-06 08:57
Good art, good premise, interesting dynamic and unique characters that aren't one dimensional. Now.. a serialisation, please?
2024-02-04 10:49
I love the trope and the characters but the story is just mid as fuck, and tf you mean 4 chs only☠
Name: Love Cycling
Status: Completed   
Author: To Tan 0 released.
Genre(s): Yaoi / Romance / Webtoons
Alternative: 러브 사이클링;
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