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Comments of Madou no Keifu

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2023-11-29 20:48
made me understand familial love, if but for a moment
2023-07-29 04:58
vol. 6 ch. 11
2023-07-26 06:19
I wish both master and disciple meet one another and have a great time together. They need to support one another!! Cause they like the brains and the muscle as a pair!
2023-07-29 11:45
I like this but if it had a lot more chapters T^T this type of manga are the ones you can enjoy binge reading not waiting on ;-;
2023-07-24 12:00
His journey from achieving his dreams, to become a mage of the rebellion, to finding his master
2023-03-28 02:29
no way.... it ended.... feels like a rather incomplete with lot's of potential for expanding into the world buildingg as well as new characters. I'm so sad rn...
2023-02-27 20:26
this is niceeee!
2023-01-27 15:21
first of all: nia <<<< dahnya (speak it louder to the back, dahnya better off zechs wife)
and to clarify, there's no bromance between leon and zechs. they're pure father-son relationship. maybe zechs and aster. but i bet it's pure friendship.
hoo, okay. so this story is quite giving me a unique feeling. zechs hates mages in general, if he hadn't met leon he might got in a rampage and wiped out lavarta and black iron fortress as well. leon isn't any different. he somehow grew a fair amount of envy to his fellow mages because he has a weak vein of guidance. basically the biggest thing he can do to help in times of war is healing. since lavarta has a discrimination against mages, they only used them as a means of military power. (how awful, right.) i honestly hope for more, i can't explain it in detail, but the plot is literally lacking in hype or adventure tag. i also want more of gateaux and leon, as well as dariesh. i want to comment about leon and zechs relationship throughout the season, it's very realistic. there's no wishy washy clichèd moments. (where in master-disciple cases the warming up development is faster as expected) but here, no. animosity and strangeness is portrayed properly.

fast forward. he joined black iron fortress with the mad prince, and there are fair amount of civilians killed. the author portrayed the grief and horror of war especially in the arrow scene (when a lot of mages died, first time they got mission, also evan's death) that time for me is when things are getting slightly interesting, but instead it got cut off. don't get me wrong and i liked that zechs followed his heart to reunite with his master. but i wished i saw a panel of rijitt (idk what happen to her, please be safe) and nia shouldn't have went with zechs. (i swear she's a nuisance, i get a typical shoujo girl vibe on her) but the bottom line here is.. since zechs is still part of the liberation army, he might face his master on the opposite side. i have a clue on what will happen, but i doubt this will update any day from now. i'm so worried he made a wrong decision again, now that they gain ermynn's trust as well as scheel. that classmate of edogah is giving me traitor vibes. lance should do a double time protecting the prince.

5/5 artstyle though.
2023-01-22 08:09
28 unexpectedly capture ones interest. Can't help but feel their emotion.
2022-11-24 17:36
“NO ANNOYING BITCHES” can y’all calm down??? Where in the series has romance even been implied??? And if there was a love interest, how does that automatically ruin it??? Y’all just hate women and it’s obvious, especially since that comment is coming from someone who spends all their time reviewing bl series and not to mention you happily read pedophilia and incest so maybe shut the fuck up about women and girls
2022-11-09 05:06
"I can't read" chp 4
Probably needs glasses
2022-10-21 16:46
What happened to chapter 20
Name: Madou no Keifu
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Satou Sakura , Inuzuka Hiro 2019 released.
Genre(s): Shounen / Fantasy / Historical
Alternative: Truth Weavers; 魔導の系譜
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