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Comments of My Girlfriend's Friend

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2023-12-11 22:39
I rarely drop mangas because I don't like to left things unfinished even when it's hard but this one is really trying me.. From the beginning and the cheating stuff I feel kinda gross and uneasy..
2023-09-18 06:06
This is just
2023-09-17 06:25
Why tag shoujo tho ?
2023-09-16 18:16
haven’t read this bs yet but based on the name and the reviews its defo a good idea not to, and also dont tag this shoujo tf
2023-09-15 22:03
BRO THIS IS INSANE ??? Firstly why is it tagged shojo and the look on his face the whole time was shocking bro really didn’t want to cheat and throughly about his gf and then suddenly the change of heart bc she manipulated him into thinking she liked him WHAAAT ngl I love this kind of stuff but it actually broke my heart for him and the poor gf
2023-09-11 12:17
2023-09-11 00:36
ew what the actual fuck
kaori or wtv deserves better
2023-09-06 11:44
last read: chapter 52
2023-09-05 17:52
I dont ever wanna read this. Evey decision they make is so illogical that I am mad right now
2023-09-02 10:40
Bro wth was this…
2023-09-02 01:37
At this rate he doesn’t deserve kaori bruh
2023-09-01 15:46
Why is this even part of the top 10 Shoujo manga??
Name: My Girlfriend's Friend
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Jyura 2021 released.
Genre(s): Shoujo
Alternative: None
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