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Comments of My Little Inferno

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2024-06-12 10:20
Rate the ex 2/10 (the two points are for being pretty otherwise he's a zero)
Other than the rape in the beginning and the stupid ex with 'personality", it would have been a solid manga tbh
2024-06-10 21:14
Could've gone without the rape but other then that it's ight
2024-05-27 00:19
very interesting I'm weirdly into it
2024-04-29 23:02
this being asada’s first longer work it makes sense it’s not her best, but nonetheless it was very enjoyable despite a few weak points
2024-04-15 15:45
read this like a bajillion times, would read another bajillion times anyday
2024-04-09 22:16
Umm definitely didn’t give what it was supposed too
2024-04-04 17:51
Please update
2024-04-03 01:38
I regretted reading it..
2024-04-02 15:04
If I ignore the rpe scene at the start it was good
2024-03-23 19:35
really fucking good bro
2024-03-23 16:37
MAN, THIS MANGAKA!!!! 4.5??? 5???? i honestly need more of them
2024-04-10 02:24
okay i was kinda not liking the dynamic at first but it grew on me cuz he really cares a lot about him even tho he LITERALLY randomly jumped into his life… also he’s an ex hacker??? and his ex was his partner???? AND THEY TOOK DOWN MAJOR ORGANIZATIONS AND MADE A SHIT TOM OF MONEY??? LIKE WTF; the mom being bi and falling for another mom is so slay of the author to include <33
2024-03-19 07:30
(slightly long unwarranted essay, a bit of spoiler)

This is the first manga by Asada Nemui that I read, and I loved it! I enjoyed reading the plot, the characters and the art. The story is original, and it offers an interesting take into the BL genre, by creating a dark psychological story with elements of crime and reality while having interestingly flawed queer characters taking center stage. I enjoyed the many subversive twist on the BL genre in the manga, especially the sex in the ending. Most BLs that I've read often feature sensual sex in the end, which seems to act like a celebratory sex for the characters (and for us who read it mostly for the smut and waited (im)patiently for it). But this one denies us of watching them doing it in that smutty way; instead the sex is part awkward and intimate, and even hilariously censored by a towel.

I loved all the characters in the story. They're all well-fleshed out and believable. Hitoshi's response to Mayumi in the beginning is realistic, and I cherished his transformation in the end as someone confident in himself. Mayumi is also intriguing, especially his background and his relationship to Tatsuya, another interesting character. I find Masumi and Tatsuya's portrayal as flawed queer characters to be one of the highlights of the story. I love queer stories that portray queer people as flawed people, not as some idealistic, morally right person (Nothing wrong with that, it's just that if all BLs follow this same trope then the genre ends up being boring). And Hitoshi's mum is just adorable and sweet; I can't believe the mangaka just dropped the bombshell after the story ended: that she's bisexual! We need more at least one side-story involving her too! How interesting it would be if both Hitoshi and his mum were stressing about how to introduce their respective partners to each other. It would be endearing and hilarious.

And the art? It's beautiful and cinematic. I love how the art delivered the story through clever use of framing, shades of light and dark in the background, and emphasis on body language. Not a panel is wasted or ineffective in telling the story.

TL;DR: Read this, loved it, intriguing premise, entertaining story, believable and interesting characters, amazing art, what's not to like?
2024-03-13 23:32
binasa ko dati maganda
2024-03-13 11:40
yoo the development flowed very seamlessly. mc is a still a wimpy crybaby but his aversion to everything is relatable. highkey scary how realistic this can be too. god i love the size gap AHHHHhh
Name: My Little Inferno
Status: Completed   
Author: ASADA Nemui 2019 released.
Genre(s): Adult / Yaoi
Alternative: マイリトルインフェルノ;
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