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Comments of Nichijousahan Bi - Beautiful Life

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2024-06-05 18:42
nothing makes any sense and the story just ends there
2024-03-26 15:36
?yk the ending could've been better
2024-03-26 00:40
... Are we just gonna ignore the rape? Motherfucker got drugged and non-conned, that's just. No.
2023-10-29 23:09
I found this to be a rather melancholy story, not a cute one (though Iyo was cute). Things just didn’t make much sense when it came to character motivations. Most especially with Fumichi. He is waiter at a bar where he got beaten up by a customer he offended. But he keeps working there, even when the customer returns, drugs and rapes him violently. And he still returns. Sure, there is an impression that the drug makes him forget a lot, but it makes no sense especially when you find out he doesn’t even get paid at the bar? The flashes of his childhood show him as a runaway with no attachment to his caregivers. But no reasoning why. Are they abusive, was he stolen, are they even his parents? When saviour type Sazawa and his daughter, Iyo step in, Fumichi seems to fall for them both. But he resists that safety. Feelings of low self worth? I found him hard to relate to. I still enjoyed the story but overall it feels like too many missed opportunities to flesh out both of the MCs properly.
CW: Rape.
2023-10-21 08:55
I am dumb. I don’t understand this.
2023-08-12 17:08
Vol.1 Chapter 5
2023-07-19 10:43
Fumichi is a male waiter at a bar. He often gets harassed by the customers that demand special service from him. One night, he gets beat up by a customer that got offended, and was taken in by Sazawa and his daughter, Iyo. Join them in their interesting relationship.
2023-07-16 19:50
I, huh, i dont know what to say man, the mc doesnt need sex, he needs a good friend, a hug, someplace nice to rest and a whole lot of therapy

Like idk this story felt surreal in a weirdly realistic way if that make sense lmao
2023-06-14 11:56
What is going on like...?
2023-04-17 15:02
idk what to feel
2023-01-16 08:34
I really can't figure out on why the punches and rape... It was not explained in the story.
2022-12-21 04:25
Bruh. Seme is shit. Mans is emotionally insensitive and a terrible father. He brings her to a fucking bar so he can drink. Knows the uke is being harassed and raped but just let's that slide and THEN HE GOES AND LETS A STRANGER, A RAPE VICTIM, TAKE A BATH WITH HIS DAUGHTER WHAT THE FUCK YOU DIPSHIT. Like uke is constantly getting raped and he just lets the uke go back to that place?? That bar sucks ass too cause they just let it fucking happen. I cannot. The rapist is shit too and I hope his cock rots.
I get this is an old manga but holy shit none of this was good except for the daughter but she honestly deserves better. Uke deserves better.
2022-11-27 10:01
problematic in a lot of aspects but the child is adorable and the father is a total dilf
2022-10-22 20:59
Wtf wheres the continuation
2022-09-18 07:51
2022-09-16 21:24
i wanted to like this more but it was quite confusing ㅠㅠ
2022-08-28 04:01
real slow burn story between strangers into something special (a more like family) REALLY NICE
Name: Nichijousahan Bi - Beautiful Life
Status: Completed   
Author: Moto Haruhira , Moto Haruko 2010 released.
Genre(s): Slice Of Life / Shounen Ai
Alternative: Beautiful Life; Beautiful Life; Nichijou Chameshi Bi - Beautiful Life; Nichijou Sahanbi - Beautiful Life
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