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Comments of Okazari ōhi ni nattanode, kossori hataraki ni deru koto ni shimashita

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2023-11-24 20:21
2023-07-14 19:23
Last read chapter 12.1
I cannot read this bc I cannot stand manga where the ML lies to the FL with the excuse of "she needs to be protected and I just wanna keep her nice and innocent in this birdcage of a house"
I actually cannot stand the king and I know it's obviously romance but like I really wish she would just like beat the shit outta him a lil or something for lying to her and manipulating her like she's a baby or something, like this whole fucking thing could've been solved if he had just spoken to her like she even said it herself that she would have understood why he was locking her in a room 24/7 if he had just said something and the fact that he not only lied to her but also has a hand in almost all of he personal relationships like, she has no real friends now bc of him bc he put his own guards as the workers in the restaurant she "sneaks" out too and he literally IS the guy she's interested in, he can obviously tell she likes him and like, I get he has an unrequited love or whatever so I get why he wants to talk to her and be around her but this is like so not the way and it infuriates me
Anyways I'm probably still gonna read this bc I hold a little hope in my heart that she will tell his ass off and I need to see it
2023-07-14 11:13
The people around her is trying their best to protect her and she just want to be kidnapped
2023-07-08 11:41
im sorry. this cute, but might be too boring for me.
i think im dropping, im guessing the bunny is ml. i want to read more to know about the bunny but... im just... meh
2023-07-03 18:10
cute art but ML removes FL's autonomy
2023-07-02 15:54
11.1 - Mini plot, maxi boring stereotypes, but a good bit of cute in a predictable story
the boring parts :
- Another « maid » (,) story (but she’s a queen - so another queen story
(Ordinary people are not interesting if they are not servants of nobles ?)
- bad communication can’ get anyworse ?
So you have a good guy liking the girl , but he’s a psycho : let me explain : usually they go yan yan or tsun tsun, but this one is the « i can’t express myself i’m an icicle ». - (a tsun variation maybe ?) ; he can’t show emotions, but he has a double persona, and he’s perfectly normal under disguise (seriously diseased I tell you!) … And -as if not enough : he also hides her from danger, but never tells her why : so she thinks she’s in forced seclusion (for his lover sake : yeah misunderstandings are bad)
Now how about her communauté skills ? Well she’s so bad too : do you know tolkeque principles : don’t make up stories and imagine things by yourself, check facts : well that girl is obviously not aware either !
She decided single-handedly that she’s just for show, that the king has a lover, and that she can’t trust him - without ever listening or asking otherwise, she just made herself miserable, with a strong attitude « I’m just for show, but I’ll be happy playing maid » (very bored (and sick) people neh ?)

So anything good in all this nonsense ?
Meh, it’s kind of cute, the king also has a third persona (rabbits are in fashion yay !) ;
She’s not entirely useless, even if, as the counselor points out, she does indeed behave like a child doing whatever she pleases, with no fear for consequences. She - of course - is going to be more special than special (who claims they have no powers when they can never get lost !?!) (yes, normal is stil never enough)

Maybe the second half to make the rabbit into a man (should she?) is going to be better once the extra complicated relationship is cleaned ?

2023-06-06 10:28
Guessing the king is the rabbit. Did he make a restaurant for her to work in?
2023-05-17 20:02
Booooring 6.1
Name: Okazari ōhi ni nattanode, kossori hataraki ni deru koto ni shimashita
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: 富樫聖夜 (togashi Seiyo) , 封宝 , まち 2019 released.
Genre(s): Shoujo / Fantasy
Alternative: お飾り王妃になったので、こっそり働きに出ることにしました ; Since I became the decorative queen, I decided to secretly go to work; Okazari Ouhi ni Nattanode, Kossori Hataraki ni Deru Koto ni Shimashita
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